10 Juli 2009

MyPage5, Social Network yang memberikan Bayar

Sekarang ini sedang marak2nya trendi situs berbasis Social Network (Jejaring Sosial). Setiap Netter bisa ngabisin waktu sehari2nya cuma hanya dengan nongkrongin Facebook atau Friendster seharian. Di Indonesia sendiri FB dan FS menjadi 2 situs yang paling berpower yang paling banyak dikunjungi.. Hari gene kl merasa diri Gaul tapi masih belum punya yang namanya FB atau FS, maka jangan sekali2 bilang ke public bahwa kamu emang gaul.
Saat ini, belum lagi semua netter bisa ngerasain asyiknya bermain di FB, malah muncul satu lagi sebuah website yang berbasis jaringan sosial. MyPage5, merupakan sebuah Jaringan Social yang memberikan bayaran kepada setiap user yang terdaftar dan aktif didalamnya.

Beda dengan social network yang lain sebelumnya,
MyPage5 memiliki Konsep yang keren dan unik, menggabungkan segala bentuk monetizing yang udah ada sebelumnya, baik itu melalui blogging, upload files seperti video dan photo dan bahkan membuat konsep baru dengan membayar kita setiap kita melakukan commenting.
Berikut ini adalah daftar lengkap bayaran yang kita terima jika kita aktif di MyPage5:

1. Member baru sign up dengan dilengkapi photo langsung dapat $5. Kalo tanpa photo ga akan dibayar, so lebih baik anda sign-up dengan sekaligus dilengkapi photo anda. (Pada saat pertama kali sign up, jangan lupa untuk langsung mengupload Photo anda agar bisa mendapatkan $5 tersebut)
2. Setiap kali login ke akun kita, langsung dibayar $0,01. Dihitung hanya satu kali perhari.
3. Ngeblog dibayar $0,10. Perlu diingat, konten blog tidak boleh hasil kopas, harus orisinil dan tidak menyertakan link ke blog lain. Anda dapat bikin sampai 10 blogs perhari, tapi hanya 4 blogs yang dihitung (dibayar) oleh MyPage5.
4. Komen di blog member lain dibayar $0,02. Hanya diperbolehkan komen sampai 10 kali dalam satu hari.
5. Upload video dibayar $0,15. Video tidak boleh melanggar copyright. Dalam sehari anda hanya boleh upload sampai 5 video.
6. Komen di video yang diupload member lain, dibayar $0,02. Dalam seharinya diperbolehkan komen sampai 5 kali.
7. Mau cari-cari apa aja (produk, lowongan, pasangan kencan, dll) bisa buat postingan di Classified page nya. Tiap postingan dibayar $0,1. Dalam sehari diperbolehkan membuat classified post hingga 10 kali.
8. Create group dibayar $0,02. Mau cari temen2 yang seidea dan satu interest? Bikin aja group di MyPage5. Bisa berupa fans club, temen2 skul atawa hanya ingin berbagi opini sesama member yang punya interest sama.
9. Join group dan komen pada group dibayar $0,02. Dalam sehari hanya diperbolehkan sampai 5 komen.
10. Komen di halaman profil temen dibayar $0,02. Diperbolehkan hanya 10 komen perhari dan posting berkali2 pada satu halaman profil yang sama tidak diperbolehkan.
11. Upload photo dibayar $0,02 per photo. Jumlah total yang diperbolehkan adalah 400 photo. Lebih dari jumlah tsb ga akan dibayar.
12. Komen di photo yang diupload member lain, dibayar $0,02. Diperbolehkan komen hingga 5 komen perhari.
13. Komen di halaman band-band favorit, dibayar $0,02. Diperbolehkan hingga 5 komen perhari.
14. Setiap kali profil kita di-view member lain, kita dibayar $0,01.
15. Dan... ini adalah bagian yang paling menarik! Tiap invite friends, langsung dapat $1. Yups, $1. Hohoho.. bayangin ajah kalo misal kita sukses invite 50 temen aja udah langsung dapat $50 ditangan tuh, hehehe. Tapi dengan syarat, temen yang invite itu haruslah juga aktif, cuz kalo enggak ya dana itu akan di-deduct pada saat payment day kita. Mencoba curang dengan meng-invite 'temen2 bayangan' atawa bikin akun2 tipuan akan mengakibatkan akun anda disuspend.

MyPage5 merupakan alternatif baru untuk mendapatkan Dollar melalui Internet. Keuntungan yang kita dapatkan disini, selain mendapat banyak teman untuk memperluas jaringan, kita bisa mengumpulkan earning sebagai uang celengan untuk kopdaran bareng teman tersebut nantinya..
Bagi yang tertarik dan ingin mendaftar, silahkan aja langsung berkunjung ke MyPage5.com dengan menggunakan Link referral saia dibawah ini:
Click here to join now

Earn $ Daily From

  • MyPage5

  • FAQ

    Welcome to MyPage5.com, the MOST FINANCIALLY REWARDING social networking site in the world. We have a new and improved reward system which everyone is sure to like.

    How do I make money through MyPage5?

    MyPage5 has a number of member bonuses. These bonuses are there to entice people to use the site as much as possible in order to create social communities and interact with each other. A summary of bonuses is as follows:

    New member sign up with picture: $5.00

    If a new member signs up and uploads his/her profile picture at registration, they’ll get this bonus. A picture is a nice touch to a profile so we like members to take time to upload one.

    New member sign up without picture: $0.00

    Should’ve uploaded the picture

    Member Login: 1c

    As soon as a member signs into his/her profile page, the reward is this, once daily.

    Create blog: 10c

    Members will get this bonus every time they contribute a blog to the site. Blogs must be genuine and not be copies of or contain links to other blogs. You can upload up to ten blogs at a time but, only four will be rewarded or credited to your account.

    Blog Comments: 2c

    Members are allowed ten blog comments daily on blogs posted by other members.

    Upload videos: 15c

    Members will get this bonus for every video that they upload to mypage55. Videos will not be offensive in nature and multiple posts of the same video is not allowed. Poor quality and copyright videos will be deleted. Please inspect your work before you post. Mypage5 accepts only five videos upload daily.

    Video comment : 2c

    Comment on the video you've just watched, not really a bad reward for commenting on a video. Maximum of five video comments daily.

    Post classified: 10c

    Something for sale? Put it on our classified site and even if it doesn’t sell, you’ll get your reward. Are you a woman looking for a man or a man looking for a woman, our free classified page is your answer. Ten classifieds daily.

    Create group: 2c

    Create a group to get this bonus. Groups are intended to bring together like minded individuals, work colleagues, school friends or just supporters of the same football team!

    Join group/Comment: 2c

    If you join any group, comment or contribute to the group topics the above is your reward. five group comments daily!

    Invite a friend: $1.00

    For every friend that you invite to join MyPage5, you’ll get $1.00. Your friend must register and remain an active member for you to get the reward, other wise the money will be deducted on the pay day. Inviting ghost referral/friend is cheating, this will lead to immediate suspension on account.

    Profile comment: 2c

    You can comment on members profiles but, no duplicates. Please note: you are allowed to post maximum of ten user profile comments daily. posting of multiple profile comments on one page at the same day is spamming. The punishment ranges from loss of earnings to voiding of account.

    Upload photo to album: 2c

    Members will get 2c for any of their photos,friends or relations they upload to their profile photo albums. Please Note: duplicate photos, stock photos,Internet photos or any copyright are not allowed.Such pratice will lead to account suspension and revenue loss.Maximum number of photos a member is allowed to upload is 400, any thing above this number will not be paid for.

    Photo comment : 2c

    Comment on photos you've just looked at, tell us what you think, your reward is the above. Mypage5 allow maximum of five photo comments daily.

    Band comment : 2c

    Your favourite band? comment on your band and get 2cents reward. five band comments daily.

    Profile views: 1c

    Members will get 1c every time another member view your profile so please do mypage5 a favour, set up a fantastic and eye-catching profile.

    How will I be paid?

    MyPage5’s payment method is Paypal, which is an online payment service. Payment is instantaneous and protected against fraud. If a member is not registered with Paypal, a cheque will be sent via the postal service. Please note that Paypal charges a small percentage fee for using their service. MyPage5 has a minimum payment amount of $50.

    How do I ensure that I don’t get any money?

    If a member is found to be using software or any other fraudulent means of increasing their rewards, MyPage5 will suspend their account and render their rewards null and void. MyPage5 will not hesitate to take legal action and report such individuals to the relevant authorities. Please Note: If you reach your pay-out by referring friends or otherwise but found not to active on mypage5, you will loose your pay-out right, inactive member is of no benefit to mypage5.

    When will I get paid?
  • MyPage5
  • issues payments one month after you accrue them. For example, earnings you made in March 2009 will be paid in April 30th 2009. If your revenue does not meet the minimum pay out, this revenue will automatically roll over to the following month.

    Good luck, stay safe and do not forget to invite your friends.

    MyPage5 Team

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